Are you looking for ways to develop your school’s Arts and Culture offer? The Schools For All Seasons project is now open for applications from Cornish Primary Schools and Special Schools.

Schools for All Seasons is a very special short term residency that nourishes children with well-being activity and creativity rooted in our connections to the outdoors and our seasonal heritage. By returning throughout the year to notice changes in our landscapes, this residency supports children and teachers to shape these seasonal experiences into poems, songs, artworks, stories and recipes, supported by Professional Artists based in Cornwall.

Embracing Cornwall’s rivers and sea, moorland and estuary, village and city, this programme takes the knowledge gained from our experiences of how to support children through change and challenge and our understanding of trauma and anxiety that’s has affected so many of us over the last few years. The residency creates moments of celebration, unique to each school to bring our families together and share time outdoors.

To find out more about this wonderful project and how to apply, download the information pack below. The application deadline is 10th February 2022.