Our Impact 19/20

Real Ideas has been making positive change happen – for people, organisations and places – since 2007. We take a real pride in tracking, recording and honing our impact in both ‘words and numbers’.

Bringing new life to old buildings

2 heritage buildings (Devonport Guildhall and Ocean Studios) operating successfully as creative hubs in communities experiencing disadvantage
3 heritage buildings currently in development
£1.26m raised and invested by us into our buildings and spaces

Generating value, experiences, and activities in and around our buildings

1437 people directly engaged in in-depth and focussed social and creative enterprise, community activity and development as a result of our events, support, services, programmes and pro-jects
39 creative and social businesses hosted and supported via our buildings
264 creative events and experiences delivered
78047 people attended creative events and experiences

Helping young people make change

85 young people in need supported by us into employment
94 young people in need supported by us to move back into formal education, training or apprenticeships
340 young people in need supported by us long term in order to develop their potential, ideas, skills and abilities

Supporting organisations to start, grow, and make more difference

99 organisations supported with in-depth business and social enterprise expertise
448 businesses provided with advice, training and support, allowing them to develop and create more value

Working together to make bigger change happen

417 schools supported with in-depth creative and social enterprise expertise, allowing them to generate more social and educational impact
£498122 external investment secured by us and invested into businesses to help them grow and develop

Previous Impact Reports





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We want to grow our community, so our members can share our create workshops online, mentoring and consultancy. In addition to our community and news, you can access our co-working spaces, studios and teaching spaces.

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